What plan works best for you?
The Women's Association of Concrete Professionals is committed to mentoring, training, supporting, positively impacting, and empowering current and future women in the concrete industry. As a Member, you’ll have access to resources and a network that will become a valuable part of your arsenal of success.
You’ll have first access to interactive educational events, seminars and FREE webinars- and have the chance to not only be featured in our monthly WACP Spotlight- but be featured in our monthly Newsletter as well! You’ll have unlimited access to our network of members and sponsors through an interactive website that we all share.
You’ll connect with other women in our industry from all areas. The workforce is full of positions for women. Hands on- office, management, chemists, truck drivers, finishers, decorative specialists, manufacturing, shipping, delivery and more! We connected to help each other in education, to bring more young women into the industry, and support one another in difficult times. A place to ask hard questions (or stupid ones!)- and the FIRST place to find deals from our sponsors.
In the field, in our day to day operations, we all are just ‘one of the guys’, and we are here too! We think that the Concrete Industry is a great place for women to work and want to bring more of us in.
Will you help?! Check out the available packages below. Let’s get connected!

Student Membership
129.99$Every yearStudents in Higher Education, Vocational, and Apprenticeship- Free Webinars
- Access to Membership Directory
- Networking Opportunities
- Discounted Rate
- Top Pick
Active Membership
199.99$Every yearFor Women Actively Employed in the Industry 20+/hrs. Week- Free Webinars
- Access to Membership Directory
- Networking Opportunities
- Eligible to Vote
- Can hold an Officer's Position
Corporate Membership
399.99$Every yearFor Companies Wishing to Designate a Woman Employee- Free Webinars
- Access to Membership Directory
- Networking Opportunities
- Eligible to Vote
- Can hold an Officer's Position
- Transferable
- Company Representation on WACP Website